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Tantra and BDSM:


Tantric Fitness

Posted on October 5, 2022

With the intention to love, connect and be present, any personal interaction can be a Tantric experience. That includes being whipped and fucked against a tree ;).In this video, Tantra Coach @amberhearbrad and I openly discuss our shared intention to support and be present for each other as we bond through kink play.After connecting like this, it is easier to become single mindedly focused on your partner. So much so that you can enter a state of mind similar to meditation. If you are a sub, it is called "sub space". If you are a Dom, it is called "Dom space". It is simply meditation, with your partner being your sole focus of attention. This state of mind can produce a sense of peace and relaxation that feels similar to a runners high and can last for hours. If a conscious spiritual connection is not what you're looking for in a BDSM situation, you can also simply focus on the sensations you're experiencing and dive into the pleasure, hotness and sexiness of the scene-- getting high on your excitement and arousal.If there is an element of BDSM play that you've never tried, but you think would be hot, give it a try! From bondage, to impact play to cock pumping and nipple play there is something for everyone and its all much easier to learn and share with partners than it looks. There is an excellent book called SM 101, by Jay Wiseman which covers a lot of the basics of the most common forms of BDSM play. No matter what age you are, your sexual tastes will always be evolving and changing. Be open to the new turn ons and preferences, enjoy the sexual adventures they inspire.



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