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Seth Munich

Posted on June 5, 2023

I was visiting my sister and her family in Orlando, Florida for a couple weeks. She's expecting her fourth Kidd so I was doing my best to help out by running errands and taking the kids to school and their after school classes. The other morning I dropped my niece off at school and turned around and saw this hot muscled latino guy smiling at me. I was about to walk away when he said Hey Daddy. Heading to work? I stopped and told him I was just visiting and was going to run some errands. That's cool. He said, I live right over there. And he nodded at an old colonial style house with a manicured lawn. The neighborhood was in a very conservative suburban area so I was surprised that this guy was hitting on me. Looks like a nice house. I said, How long have you lived there. Oh it's not my house. It's my boyfriend's house. It's really nice and has some surprising features. Want a tour? Sure I said, and we walked over to the house. Inside I met his boyfriend, a white conservative clean-cut looking guy who was working in his home office. They offered me a drinkk and started to show me the house. We came to a spiral staircase and I said Where does that go? They both grinned. That's our playroomYou like to play? I looked at them both. I could see the outline of the sexy latino's dick growing in his pants. Yeh. I love to play. So we headed up the stairs and I was shocked to discover a full on dungeon in the attic of this unassuming house on a suburban street. There were ring lights set up and I asked Do you guys like to make videos? and they both smiled broadly and said Hell yeah we do! So we all got out our pocket porn makers and set them up on the ring lights and started to play. I mostly play with the sexy latino guy who I learned goes by Bitch and his boyfriend, Hoe did most of the videoing. After I had cum deep in Bitch's ass Hoe needed to get his dick wet and slid it into Bitch and pounded my load even deeper into his boyfriend. What a good boyfriend. #anal #oral #sling #dungeon #latino #muscle #smooth #bare #cumshot #breed



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