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Big Dick Sling Fuck


Raw and Rough

Posted on May 3, 2012

Kalaban takes the old saying "dick on a stick" to a new level. With him, it's more like "log on a stick." But it's always those tall, lanky ones that have the huge cocks, isn't it? The scene starts (Surprise, DUH!?) with Damien jumping into the sling as fast as he can to get a piece o' that long, fat cock. Kal eats Damien's hole and lubes it up with spit, his cock jumping and pre-cumming with anticipation the entire time. Kal alternately pounds, eats and sensuously fucks the red hole, making Damien's eyes roll back in his head. Kal dumps a sweet load in Damien's hole after which Damien (no slacker in the cock department) figures turnabout is fair play, so he does Kal in the sling. Damien loves to spit and would probably win the international spitting olympics if there were such a thing. He lubes Kal up with spit, fucks the hell out of him, deposits a nice boy load in his ass, all the while savoring the mansmells and pheromones that the pair have emitted and writhing around in their combined sweat and spit.


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